
Air : freedom, expansion and connection

Air represents freedom and expansion much like the breath itself. As an element, it is invisible, but its reality can be felt in the air that we breathe in every day. As humans we can do without food for a few days, without water for 24 hours but without breath for no longer than a … Read more

Fire : Clarity, Inspiration, Action

In term 1 we started with the Earth, building a solid foundation of simplicity and stability. This is so that everything else we start to work on in the year will have fertile earth from which to grow. Having this foundation will vastly improve our chance of success. What is success though? Our yoga practice … Read more

Earth : calm, grounded, steady

Our elements program is a journey of self-discovery through the power of embodied yoga practice, nourishing breath work, powerful meditation, working with nature’s rhythm and exploratory self-study. We are about progress not perfection. Starting before we are ready and maintaining momentum even when it’s challenging. Finding time for ourselves every week because we are our … Read more