Ashtanga yoga Townsville North Queensland

Late 2022, I was at a crossroads. I had been through quite the journey. I actually despise the word journey so I should probably use the word I actually want to use and say ‘dumpster fire’, I was at the point where if someone had said to me “Allison, that’s it. It’s time to close the doors and walk away.” I would have said “Yes. And Thank you.”

Thank goodness for the support of my mentor though as she said instead “Allison, what do you want?” I wanted to have time to think, to plan, to create and also time to look after myself. You see, running the studio is the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD, however holding space for a lot of people, especially through the floods and the pandemic  – being the place of refuge for others in times of need when I was going through some pretty big family things too – started to take its toll on me.

I got a mentor

So instead of giving up, I decided I needed a way to support the LBY community as well as supporting myself. This is why I needed a mentor at this point. As I was in much need of support. This way I could be at my best to inspire, hold space, and continue to lead the best bloody studio around. A place where everyone is seen and supported, where everyone matters and where everyone who comes in the door feels part of something really good, really wholesome and really fun. And that had to include me.

The elements program was born

This is where the year-round program split into 4 parts came from. I wanted so desperately to keep people practicing ashtanga yoga (something I have dedicated over 24 years to learning) but in a way that was safe, inspiring and joyful. I could see from the numbers that most people attended once or twice a week and that’s just not enough to sustain any kind of progress in mobility (in fact it can have the opposite effect) so I had to figure out a way that the team and I could deliver the gold of ashtanga yoga in more bite-sized portions without losing the integrity of the practice or my devotion and love for the tradition and lineage.

It’s better than I imagined

We are now almost at the end of our second year and I can honestly say it’s working. I have seen the progress in the students who have embraced the program. The members have told me how much they love the intensity of the term, with the supporting guidebook and virtual classes to maintain their motivation even when not able to come into the studio and in the term breaks. I have seen our virtual members start to grow. It hasn’t all been rosie though with some push-back, uncertainty and confusion. Attendance has waxed and waned and at times I wasn’t sure I had made the right decision. But ultimately, I have more energy and I am more myself so I can hold the space for all who come to the studio. Because without me none of LBY would be here. So I need to protect the studio’s most valuable asset – me.

You are your biggest asset

I want you to know that you are your most valuable asset too. And I want to let you know that you can change your life to be more like how you want it to be. It might take courage, change, uncomfortableness and time but it is possible. First you need to imagine what you want it to look like, hang out with people who are living this way (hint hint…there’s quite a few hanging around at LBY!) and then make small steps to get there.

Yoga is mastery of the mind

I said previously and I will say it again. Yoga is the mastery of the mind. Our practice (asana, pranayama, meditation) helps us to take charge of our thoughts. The science of neuroplasticity agrees. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and adapt throughout life. Our thoughts affect our energy and our energy determines how we do our days. How we do our days is how we live our life. Live and Breathe Yoga exists because I practice yoga (so I can then teach it) but also because I can take charge of my thoughts and make my dream a reality. I want you to know that you can do it too.

Join our program today and you will not only feel better in your body but you will also start to take control of your mind.



Free guide: Breathwork for Busy people

Join the list and get instant access to our guide : Breathwork for Busy people and learn more about how Pranayama works to calm and invigorate.