Biannka, Gabi and Mel at the Mysore palace
Biannka, Gabi and Mel at the Mysore palace

Home again, home again

Hello all!  I am now back in sunny Cairns and am gradually settling back into my life here.  It was raining for the first week I got home which was the best ever.  I love the rain, I think it’s good for your soul.  It was nice to come home to see my loved ones and breathe in the sensational air up this way.   But… I have definitely been a wee miserable –  I believe these feelings are commonly known as the ‘post-Mysore blues’…   I keep reminding myself that this is where the yoga all happens – in everyday life – the main stage!

It has been lovely to roll out MY mat for a couple of reasons.  Remember I left mine at home… yes… well; the one I bought in Goa was starting to peel off under my feet the last two weeks of my trip – not the best ever.  It’s also been nice to roll out my mat at home and just listen to my breath, my body (and my mind – sssssshhhhhh!).  I have had a bunch of people suggest I must be much stronger and more bendy but I don’t feel it.  Maybe a tiny bit but nothing really significant – if anything.  I feel the changes that did occur were on a much subtler level.  I can hear my body more now.  I can hear what I tell myself.  I am a much better listener.  I feel more connected to myself, with myself…

While I don’t jump out of bed in the mornings with delight to get on my mat (I still wrestle with my mind pretty much every weekday) there is an excitement that lingers within me.  It’s hard to describe but it’s a beautiful feeling – sort of like the anticipation of an upcoming adventure or like knowing you are going to get a present but you don’t know what it is.. That’s what gets me up and on my mat.

I feel truly grateful and very blessed to have found this beautiful practice that is now part of me.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Much love xo

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