Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville Yogi of the month Jodie

It’s my honour to introduce Jodie, our beautiful July Yogi of the month.  Jodie has been coming to the studio regularly for many years now and has recently returned from her overseas sabbatical.  The first thing on her list when she arrived home was to come back to class and get her some Live and Breathe Yoga love….we missed you Jodie and are so happy to have you back..even if it is just in-between adventures….


When and where did you first start practising yoga?

I started at Live and Breathe Yoga in 2011, back in the old studio on Flinders Street.


Why were you interested in the first place?

I suffered a back injury skiing and my physio suggested I try yoga or pilates. I tried both and much preferred yoga as I felt it cared for my whole body.


What is it that got you hooked?

I love the way I feel after yoga practice. My mind and body both feel great after every session and after a while this seems to filter into my everyday life.


What do you love about Live and Breathe yoga?

The friendly, supporting and welcoming environment. Harry’s Chai is so awesome. There are so many students yet Allison still manages to know each and every individual and exactly how to best support them. I cannot thank Allison enough for the support she has offered me over the years.


What benefits/changes have you felt since practising yoga?

I never have back problems any more.  I am stronger and more flexible which helps with my other leisure activities, meaning I get to enjoy more of what life has to offer.


How often do you practice in a week?

Two mysore classes at Live and Breathe Yoga studio and then 1-2 home sessions.  As many as I can fit in and I’m always aiming for more.  More is always better.


What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga?

How it seems to quietly bring about change in many aspects of life, physically and emotionally.  The flexibility of the mysore classes where you can be supported while you do the sequence in your own time and ability.


What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga?

Don’t hesitate. You won’t regret it.  Regardless of what’s going on in life, yoga provides an escape that always feels great. You don’t need lots of fancy equipment, you can do it anywhere and it helps your whole body.

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