Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville yogi of the Month Emma


1. When and where did you first start practising yoga?

I did one class of an Intro course in Iyengar yoga here in Townsville about 2 years ago, but was enrolled in a Live and Breathe Intro at the same time – after one class I was hooked. No more Iyengar for me!


2. Why were you interested in the first place? 

I was wanting to build strength and flexibility to help with my rock-climbing. I had also heard that yoga was good for relaxation, and as I’m a totally hyper-active go-go-go type, I figured that would be a good side benefit.


3. What is it that got you hooked? 

I’d have to say, firstly, Allison’s teaching style. From the first class, she’s always known just how much work to give you without being over-whelming, and at the same time inspiring you to practice by showing you what becomes possible over time.  I loved Ashtanga from the very beginning, I love the way it flows and is so dynamic, and stays challenging even as you start to ‘master’ a few postures. 


4. What do you love about Live and Breathe Yoga?

The relaxed vibe that Al and Harry bring to a room is just gorgeous.  Their enthusiasm for all things yoga and well-being is totally infectious, and it’s inspiring to get to practice with so many devoted yogis and yoginis.  On a practical level, the timetable structure works well for me, and it’s great not to be forced into purchasing strictly enforced course passes, and just be able to drop in when life allows.  And Saturday chai rocks 🙂


5. What benefits have you felt since practising yoga?

I’m much stronger and more flexible, both physically and mentally.  My nagging aches and injuries are more manageable when I practice regularly.  The first time I did Shavasana, I couldn’t remember how long it had been since I’d stayed still for that long.  Now I’m much more ‘in the moment’, trying to stay focused on one destination at a time.  It’s wonderful to be staying fit and to still be achieving a lot, but not feel so frantic about it all the time.  Oh, and I’m learning to put my pride down – you can’t worry about what you look like when you’re falling on your face every class hee hee.


6. How often do you practice in a week?

It totally depends on how crazy work is, but a minimum of one class per week, generally 2, and on those odd reeeaally lucky weeks, I manage three full practices.  I also do a few sun salutes and a short meditation most mornings before work, just to prepare the body for a new day.


7. What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga? 

I love the fact that just when you think you’ve ‘got it’, Allison, Harry or another teacher will just throw you a heap of new stuff that makes it super-challenging all over again.


8. What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga? 

There is no right or wrong, good or bad. Yoga just is, do it.


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