1. When and where did you first start practising yoga?
I first started right here at Live and Breathe yoga in the four week introductory course in October last year.
2. Why were you interested in the first place?
I was interested in yoga as a way to help strengthen my back and also improve my general flexibility and movement. I know that yoga is good for relaxing the mind and body and also for building strength in a low impact way. Friends of mine have been practising yoga at Live and Breathe for a while and always spoke positively about it so I decided it was time to give it a go. I’m so glad that I did.
3. What is it that got you hooked?
It is hard to nominate one specific thing so I guess it was realising how good I felt after a few weeks of yoga. The positive, friendly and calm nature of Allison and Harry made me feel welcome from the beginning so it was very easy to keep coming back to classes each week. There is no element of competitiveness in any of the classes so it is a good space to be in to learn. That said, becoming absorbed by the yoga means that it always challenges me to improve my breathing and postures each time I do it which I love.
4. What do you love about Live and Breathe yoga?
The vibe and atmosphere in the studio is just wonderful. It is very peaceful, positive and welcoming. Allison and Harry are fantastic. They are both amazing teachers. Just when you feel like you have a posture all worked out, they will give you a slight modification to improve on it and the learning begins all over again. I have met so many friendly people there as well.
5. What benefits have you felt since practising yoga?
I feel better in general. I have noticed that I have less aches and pains and that my strength has increased. Family, friends and work colleagues have commented that they have noticed a positive change in me plus I just feel happier. I feel more relaxed and balanced in life. I play indoor cricket every week and have even noticed that my reflexes and agility are better. This has improved my performances during games so that is fantastic.
6. How often do you practice in a week?
Two to three times a week. I started out once a week but after a while I wanted to come to more classes. I try to practice at home but can be distracted too easily. I felt improvement in my postures and balance by practicing more often so that motivated me to come to more classes. Now I notice that if I don’t practice a few times a week I start to feel a bit foggy.
7. What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga?
It is a physical form of yoga and it makes you sweat so it feels like exercise at first which is great. Plus when I come along to a class and focus on my breathing and each of the postures, yoga allows me to forget about any hassles in my day, for an hour and a half at least. Lying down and relaxing at the end of a class is pretty good too.
8. What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga?
Try it for a few weeks and you will notice a difference. Forget any of the thoughts that might stop you trying it and just give it a go. It is fun and the benefits are so great.