Live and Breathe Yoga blog : Biannka goes to Goa
Biannka goes to Goa

Helllloooo from Anjuna, Goa!

Some of you may know me and many won’t.  In any case, I thought I’d kick off with a bit of a story about my Ashtanga journey so far, how I know Allison and Harry and why I’m in India! I have also attached a selfie for those who don’t know me.

Firstly! My name is Biannka and I live in Cairns (Kuranda).  My first introduction to Ashtanga yoga was on 28th February 2011 when I attended a raw food retreat at a very special place called Samudra in Dunsborough, Western Australia.  I fell in love with the practise immediately.  Prior to my Ashtanga introduction I had dabbled in a couple of different styles of yoga but didn’t stick with anything for longer than a couple of months.  When I found Ashtanga, it felt like coming home.  At the time, I was living in a place called Kalgoorlie; there was no Ashtanga and it is a 9 hour drive from the little coastal town of Dunsborough.  Prior to leaving the retreat I bought Gregor Mahle’s ‘Ashtanga Practise and Philosophy’ and did what I could when I got home.  After about 6-8 weeks of an awkward self-practise I was able to travel to Dunsborough again and have three private lessons with a teacher.  This gave me the foundation I needed.  In August 2011 I moved from Western Australia back to sunny old Queensland and made my home in Cairns.

This is where I connect to Live and Breathe.  I was hungry for everything Ashtanga.  I found a teacher (Oliver – Tropical Ashtanga) in Cairns who offered Mysore classes on a Friday night and Sunday morning.  After many google searches I found Mark Robberds was holding workshops at Live and Breathe Yoga in TOWNSVILLE – just down the road! Super.  By this time it must have been around February 2012 and Allison was blogging from Mysore.  I remember the first blog entry I read; Allison had written about her practise where everything just flowed, the breath, the postures, focus and strength.  It was what I was yearning for.  I immediately emailed Allison and asked her if she would be interested in travelling to Cairns to teach some workshops and I was stoked when Allison wrote back with a ‘yes’.  Since then, Allison has travelled to Cairns twice to hold workshops and I get down to Townsville to attend a class when I can.

My practise is essentially a home practise – six days a week.  On a Sunday in Cairns I now assist Oliver with the Mysore class which is an awesome learning opportunity.  I do however relish the times when I can attend a class!  Which brings me to India.  Since I started practising Ashtanga I have yearned (like… wanted it so much that I felt I could cry!) to travel to Mysore.  The home of Ashtanga yoga!  It took some significant changes within my personal life and a really rough day at work to make it happen though.  I missed out on registration for December in Mysore so made sure I was on the ball to register for January.  I had heard great things about Rolfe and Marci in Goa so made the decision to come here for December.  To have a teacher six days a week continuously for two whole months – well… let the journey begin!!

Much love

Biannka xo

Biannka so excited to be back in India
Biannka so excited to be back in India

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