When and where did you first start practising yoga?
I started practising yoga many years ago, here in Townsville with a local teacher. She has since retired from teaching, and no, I was not the reason she retired!
Why were you interested in the first place?
Learning Yoga was not something I’d thought about. A friend simply said she was booked in to do a yoga beginners course,and without thinking I just knew it was something I had to do, and went along with her. I was just drawn to Yoga, a bit like a piece of metal to a magnet.
What is it that got you hooked?
Over the years between then and now, I soon learnt that when ever I was practising, life just felt better than when I was not practising. It was, and still is, that simple.
What do you love about Live and Breathe yoga?
At Live and Breathe Yoga, I love the wonderfully patient, understanding and encouraging teachers. I love the sense of community and the friends I have made there. I love the airy studio with it’s beautiful polished wood floor, and of course, Harry’s chai.
What benefits/changes have you felt since practising yoga?
I have learnt to listen to my body and ignore (almost) my ego. I have learnt to trust the path fate is taking me down, and accept where I am on it. Yoga is like a good friend, always there.
How often do you practice in a week?
Depends on what is happening that week. Sometimes it might be every asana I can of the primary series every day, other weeks it might just be sitting still on my mat 2 or 3 times that week.
What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga?
Before I started Ashtanga Yoga, I thought I would not like doing the set sequence. My ego had always enjoyed just doing the asanas it thought I was good at. Once I started, and got the ego under control, I could not imagine doing yoga any other way. I love the rhythm of the primary series, the challenge of working to improve each posture, and the feeling of satisfaction each time something small is achieved. I like being able to go at my own pace and to fine tune things in Mysore classes.
What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga?
Have a go, and remember to breathe!
Thank you Penel for your daily inspiration and dedication. I know every single yogi at Live and Breathe Yoga who has met you thinks you are one very special lady. The place wouldn’t be the same without you.