Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville Yogi of the month Randine

Randine came to yoga as a way to help with quitting smoking.  After nearly two years of practice at Live and Breathe Yoga she has come so far, is feeling great and wants to practice well into old age…


When and where did you first start practicing yoga?

In June 2013, at Live and Breathe Yoga.

Why were you interested in the first place?

I was just looking for a way to better deal with stress after quitting smoking.

What is it that got you hooked?

Probably the physical aspect of Ashtanga which was completely unexpected. There also seems to be a longevity to yoga that doesn’t seem to exist with other types of exercise.  I really like the thought of still being able to do yoga later in life.

What do you love about Live and Breathe yoga?

The studio is a really warm and inviting place to practice and I like that it’s not too serious of an environment.

What benefits/changes have you felt since practising yoga?

I have increased strength, improved body image, my hip has realigned and the breathing techniques are really useful when I’m feeling anxious.

How often do you practice in a week?

I like to do 1-2 classes a week and I try to practice a little at home too.

What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga?

The wonderful feeling you get once you’ve finished, regardless of how your practice went or how you felt at the beginning.

What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga.

To just give it a go…you may be surprised by how much you can already do.

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