I have lots of books. You could say I possibly have an addiction to books. However, before I found yoga, I hated reading! Who could blame me though, after years of doing a commerce degree and then my professional exams and reading nothing but tax law and accounting standards, I was really turned off.
It wasn’t until my yoga teacher training in 2005 that I stepped into the amazing world of yoga philosophy, mindfulness teachings and spirituality that my passion for reading was ignited!
My bookshelf is overflowing with so many amazing books I get excited just looking at it! At the end of last year I collected up 11 of the books from my shelf that I have not read yet and decided I would not buy another book until I had read these ones. I stacked them up and took a photo of them and now have it as my desktop image on my laptop so that I see it everyday. The plan is to read one-ish per month this year (with a month leeway due to the Elsie-factor). The books are all in the yoga/self development genre as this is my absolute fave kind of book to read. The 11 books are:
“Astanga Yoga Anusthana” by R Sharath Jois (my teacher in Mysore, India)
“Hand wash cold” by Karen Maezen Miller (I read Karen’s book Momma Zen in preparation for Elsie’s arrival and wanted to read more of her stuff)
“Finding the Quiet” by Paul Wilson (loved the title)
“Teaching Yoga” by Donna Farhi (I love Donna’s writing)
“How Yoga Works” by Gesne Michael Roach (recommended by Oliver many times)
“The Mirror of Yoga” by Richard Freeman (Richard is top of my list of teachers who I want to study with)
“The Confidence Gap” by Dr Russ Harris (I’ve been fortunate enough to do a few trainings with Russ and I love his teaching on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
“The Breathing Book” by Donna Farhi (can’t get enough of her stuff and hope to so a training with Donna one day)
“The Desire Map” by Danielle LaPorte (I have a total girl crush on Danielle)
“A Mindfulness based Stress Reduction Workbook” by Bob Stahl and Elisha Goldstein (give me anything on mindfulness and I’m in)
“Tranquililogie” by Kimberly Wilson (I have been avidly following Kimberly’s blog for years now, have all of her books, have met her in Washington at her studio and then again in New York last year…you could say I’m a bit of a stalker…Kimberly is who I wanna be when I grow up)
I will be reviewing all the books as I go on the blog (I’ve already read a few so watch this space for the reviews coming up.) This month I am finishing off “How Yoga Works” which I am really enjoying and think would be perfect for our next yoga book club.