Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville Yogi of the Month Bernadette

Check out our last yogi of the month for 2013!  Definitely not least though…it’s Bernadette!

1. When and where did you first start practising yoga?

I first started practising with one of Live and Breathe Yoga’s introduction courses in September 2011.

2. Why were you interested in the first place?

I was bored with the usual gym and cardio workouts and was looking for something new. I noticed Live andBreathe Yoga’s details on my work’s health and fitness program and thought I’d give it a go.

3. What is it that got you hooked?

I remember walking out of the introduction classes with this ‘strange’ sense of calm – it was a feeling so foreign,that it took me a few months to realise what it was. I keep coming back for the challenge in each pose, just when you think you have mastered it – you turn a corner and realise there’s a long way to go…physically and mentally!

4. What do you love about Live and Breathe yoga?

The friendly, welcoming and supportive atmosphere that Allison and Harry have cultivated through their own love of yoga and joy for life.

5. What benefits have you felt since practising yoga?

Physically, my strength has definitely increased. I used to think I was reasonably fit from my days in the gym …little did I know! My muscle coordination and core strength is the best it has ever been – though I recognise it has a long way to go yet. I used to suffer from lower back pain which is completely gone. Mentally, I have started to try and embrace the now and stopped worrying so much about the past or the future. I am still working on trying not to overthink things and turn my thoughts off…

6. How often do you practice in a week?

Ideally, I like to attend class 2-3 times per week. My home practice is best described as sporadic…a definite new year’s resolution.

7. What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga?

The challenge that the practice inherently presents – I am continually challenged to open up, let go and breathe. It’s also in that moment of elation when you stick ‘that’ pose you have been working on for months in the midst of a Mysore class, no one else realises but you feel as though you could jump up and scream it to the world…instead you smile to yourself and roll through vinyasa.

8. What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga?

You don’t need to be a flexible, young, fit etc…yoga can be tailored to every body. It is by far one of the best work outs I have ever had, even after an early morning practice when your body just didn’t want to join the party, you still walk out feeling as though you could take on the world…

Just do it, embrace it and enjoy it.


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