Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville Yogi of the Month Max

Yogi of the month for June is superstar Max!


1. When and where did you first start practising yoga? 

I started about 2 1/2 years ago. Initially, I practised with friends at home but have been coming to Live and Breathe Yoga for a bit over a year now.


2. Why were you interested in the first place? 

A friend of mine has been doing yoga for over 10 years and I’d seen how much it helped her in her day to day life when she had a regular practice. After her suggesting for quite some time that I should give it a go, I guess I finally got to a stage in my life where I was ready to give it a try!


3. What is it that got you hooked? 

Initially, I became hooked on the physical aspects of yoga. Noticing an increase in flexibility and managing to get into postures that I’’d originally figured I’d never be able to do kept me coming back to see just what I might be able to do next. More recently I’’m starting to delve a little into the more mental/spiritual side.


4. What do you love about Live and Breathe yoga? 

The thing I love most about Live and Breathe Yoga is the sense of community. There’s a wide range of ages and people from many different walks of life who regularly attend classes and everyone is on a similar wavelength and is so friendly and encouraging. It’s a lovely open studio with awesome teachers and excellent students and of course there’s Harry’s chai 


5. What benefits have you felt since practising yoga? 

It definitely is a fantastic stress reliever! Nothing better than doing a session or a class after a difficult day’s work to make you feel great. I do like the increased strength and flexibility as well.

6. How often do you practice in a week? 

It has been about 3 sessions a week. I’’m trying to get in a regular early morning Wednesday class (though that’ is taking some effort!) and I want to develop more of a home practice as well. I’’d like to get to 4 – 5 sessions a week.

7. What’s your favourite thing about Ashtanga Yoga? 

The fact that you never reach an end point. There’s so much to the Primary series – you keep learning little ways of improving every posture, even when you think you’ve got one nailed – there’s always something else you can do to make it ‘better’. Second series of course will be a whole new ballgame – if or when I ever get to that point!

8. What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying yoga? 

Whether you’re thinking about trying it as a form of exercise, to help lose weight, to improve flexibility, to help stretch out muscles from other sports or as a form of meditation or part of the more spiritual aspects of yoga – just give it a go! Don’t worry about what point you’re starting from or how you think you’ll look. Everyone started from scratch at some stage and Live and Breathe Yoga is the perfect supportive and relaxed yet professional place to try it.



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