
From Burnout to Breakthrough with yoga

Ashtanga yoga Townsville North Queensland

Late 2022, I was at a crossroads. I had been through quite the journey. I actually despise the word journey so I should probably use the word I actually want to use and say ‘dumpster fire’, I was at the point where if someone had said to me “Allison, that’s it. It’s time to close … Read more

Mysore style Ashtanga demystified

When I first practiced Mysore style yoga it was with David Keil as part of my teacher training back in 2005. I was living in Glasgow and David (our anatomy teacher) was coming over from Miami to take us through the anatomy and physiology of yoga module. He was also taking a week-long Mysore intensive … Read more

I feel grateful, content and strong : Fire reflection

I started this Fire term feeling the best I have in ages. After my first proper break in running the studio (12 years!) I took 10 days away and didn’t take my laptop with me for the first time. Sounds crazy right! But running a business is no joke. It can really take its toll … Read more

Yamas and niyamas : finding deeper meaning to yoga practice

Ever wondered how ashtanga yoga works? How bending, stretching and sweating on a yoga mat helps us to feel more calm and relaxed, yet clear and focused on what truly matters? Me too! I find it fascinating! In my experience, just by practicing the physical postures of the ashtanga yoga system, not only am I … Read more

Atha yoga nusasanam : Now is the time for yoga

This is the very first line of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (a two thousand year old yoga philosophy guidebook) and is a summary of yoga as a whole in three simple words. It translates to, now is the time for yoga. (Atha means now, nusasanam means teaching or instruction and yoga means to calm the fluctuations … Read more

Tradition : learning from the ancient teachings

For us at Live and Breathe Yoga, tradition (another one of our core values) is all about respect for the lineage of wisdom passed down to us from our teachers and from their teachers before. We love to learn from those who have gone before us and respect the teachings enough to allow them to … Read more

Allison and Dani’s favourite yoga sutras

One of our amazing teachers, Mel has done the wonderful job of summarising the philosophy discussion that was apart of our recent Ashtanga yoga intensive weekend.  Grab a cuppa and enjoy… ———– As many of you know Live and Breathe Yoga (Allison) recently joined forces with Magnetic Island Yoga (Dani) to hold an Ashtanga yoga weekend … Read more

Book Review : Ashtanga Yoga Anusthana by R Sharath Jois

I was so excited when I heard that Sharath had written a book.  Getting my hands on it was not easy though.  It was only available from Ashtanga Yoga New York and from the shala in Mysore, India.  It was on the top of my list of things to get when I visited New York … Read more