
Breaking the Boom-or-Bust Cycle in Yoga

Yoga for all levels in Townsville

Is this you? You start the week with every intention to stick to your healthy habits. You’re hitting your 10,000 steps, getting your protein in and maybe even squeezing in some meditation. Then life gets busy. You skip a day, then another. Before you know it, you’re in full “bust mode,” inhaling flat whites and … Read more

Air : freedom, expansion and connection

Air represents freedom and expansion much like the breath itself. As an element, it is invisible, but its reality can be felt in the air that we breathe in every day. As humans we can do without food for a few days, without water for 24 hours but without breath for no longer than a … Read more

Joy YES! No Stress! : water reflection

Saying Yes to Joy When we have been through really big life challenges, it makes the fun times so much more profound, important and memorable. It gives us perspective to enjoy our loved ones and celebrate how lucky we are to be alive. It shows that to live is a blessing and every day is … Read more

Water : abundance, creativity and nourishment

To be honest, in researching and planning for the Water element I found myself getting a bit uncomfortable. The water element focuses on a lot of things that I find challenging. Because my doshas are kapha (earthy) and pita (fiery) I embrace earth and fire quite easily as they feel natural to me – so … Read more

I feel grateful, content and strong : Fire reflection

I started this Fire term feeling the best I have in ages. After my first proper break in running the studio (12 years!) I took 10 days away and didn’t take my laptop with me for the first time. Sounds crazy right! But running a business is no joke. It can really take its toll … Read more

Fire : Clarity, Inspiration, Action

In term 1 we started with the Earth, building a solid foundation of simplicity and stability. This is so that everything else we start to work on in the year will have fertile earth from which to grow. Having this foundation will vastly improve our chance of success. What is success though? Our yoga practice … Read more

I feel grounded, happy and healthy : Earth reflection

Reflecting back on how I felt at the start of the year and how I feel now – I feel like a different person! I feel more like myself that I have in years! By the end of last year I was so worn out, dare I say burnt out, after many years of living … Read more

Earth : calm, grounded, steady

Our elements program is a journey of self-discovery through the power of embodied yoga practice, nourishing breath work, powerful meditation, working with nature’s rhythm and exploratory self-study. We are about progress not perfection. Starting before we are ready and maintaining momentum even when it’s challenging. Finding time for ourselves every week because we are our … Read more

Finishing sequence of ashtanga yoga

What is the ashtanga yoga finishing sequence? To say that the ashtanga yoga sequence is challenging is an understatement and anyone who has practiced it I think will agree. But that’s not because the postures are high in difficulty, it’s challenging because they are practiced in a specific order. The physical practice consists of a … Read more

Yamas and niyamas : finding deeper meaning to yoga practice

Ever wondered how ashtanga yoga works? How bending, stretching and sweating on a yoga mat helps us to feel more calm and relaxed, yet clear and focused on what truly matters? Me too! I find it fascinating! In my experience, just by practicing the physical postures of the ashtanga yoga system, not only am I … Read more

Finding self connection

Self Connection Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville

Connection is something I value very deeply and is also one of the values I have weaved into everything we do at Live and Breathe Yoga. I’ve written before about connection and how we can connect on various levels (with ourselves, with others, with the community and with the world) and I wanted to explore … Read more

Spring is the time to connect with nature (and ourselves)

Springtime Yoga in Townsville

Spring time means new life, embracing change, eating fresh food, simplifying, planning for the summer, growth and rising energy. Spring time is a busy time in nature and it’s a great opportunity for us to connect and tune into the rhythm nature provides us. The chill of the winter begins to fade and the warmth of … Read more