
Turning 40 and the year of no sh!t

turning forty and the year of no sh!t

After my extended trip away to India I came home with a real sense of wanting to keep things super simple and in alignment with what really mattered to me most. India has a way of reminding me that I really don’t need much at all to be happy – the less stuff I have … Read more

Connection : with self study

Connection at Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville

The teachings of yoga give us a roadmap for connecting to ourselves so that we can live a more peaceful life and in turn we can then connect to others with compassion, kindness and no judgment. The best way to connect our body, mind and spirit is with our breath. Connection is another one of … Read more

When my practice wasn’t enough…Harry to the rescue

Harry Normand Spark Movement Studio Townsville

This past 2 years I have been in a lot pain. I was in a pretty serious car accident about 18 years ago as most of you know. My recovery is what started me into yoga and I am thankful for my yoga practice for making it almost unnoticeable how serious the injuries had affected … Read more

Tradition : learning from the ancient teachings

For us at Live and Breathe Yoga, tradition (another one of our core values) is all about respect for the lineage of wisdom passed down to us from our teachers and from their teachers before. We love to learn from those who have gone before us and respect the teachings enough to allow them to … Read more

July Yogi of the Month : Biannka

Biannka Yogi of the Month Live and Breathe Yoga

The ashtanga yoga global community is quite incredible. When I was last in India I was blogging about my experience practicing at the KPJAYI shala and one particular practice was so sweet I wrote about it. Biannka, a budding ashtangi practicing solo in Cairns found my post online and felt compelled to email me. We … Read more

Nurture your body and your spirit

Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville Nurture

To nurture means to care for, support and encourage while someone or something is growing and it’s one of our core values at Live and Breathe Yoga. We strive to show how the traditional practice of ashtanga yoga can fit anyone at any level. We do this by encouraging our students to believe in themselves … Read more

June Yogi of the Month : Michelle

Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville yogi of the month

The potential for healing injuries with the practice of Ashtanga yoga is just incredible. I’ve seen it many times and Michelle is another example of how anything is possible with dedication and perseverance. Well done Michelle for just keeping on with your practice and enjoying the many benefits! ———- 1. When and where did you … Read more

How to get back on your yoga mat

There are many reasons why we resist our yoga practice and that resistance can be very strong. After fighting my own excuses and listening to others, I’ve come to realise that it all boils down to fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of what will happen if we go to yoga class instead … Read more

May Yogi of the Month : David

Live and Breathe Yoga Townsville Yogi of the month

Meet our May yogi of the month : David! With a quiet determination and fantastic sense of humour, David reminds us that we never regret a yoga practice and always feel better for it. Check out his interview below! ————– 1. When and where did you first start practising yoga? I started in late 2014, … Read more

39 things I’ve learned in 39 years

I turn 39 today. I’m a little rattled by it if I’m being honest. I know it’s just a number. I know when I’m 59 I’ll look back and wonder what all the fuss was about. I had a similar kind of freak out at 28 too. I look back at that and think I … Read more

Too busy to practice and other excuses why we resist the mat

It’s really hard to commit ourselves to an ashtanga yoga practice. Let’s face it – it’s really hard to commit ourselves to anything that will be good for us.  Anything worthwhile takes grit, determination and a whole lot of discipline.  Saving money, eating well, studying, exercising – all really hard work.  But always worth it. … Read more

Anyone else sick of hearing the phrase New Year, New You?

I never really liked the idea of having a word for the year. To be honest I always came up with way too many to narrow it down to just one. However, last week while we were hanging out at my sister’s place in Brisbane for a bit of a relax, it came to me. … Read more